
Training Workshops

We specialize in customizing workshops to meet the moment and your organizations needs. However, here are a few examples of our signature offerings:

  • Unconscious Bias: The DEIB Foundation

  • Intersectionality and Identity: A Discovery Session

  • Bias and Interviewing

  • Managing Across Difference

  • Allyship & Advocacy

  • Generational Diversity & Inclusion

    And More!


Our DEI Coaching offering is designed to empower leaders, managers, and teams to navigate the complexities of diversity, equity, and inclusion with confidence and effectiveness. Through personalized coaching sessions, we provide targeted support to help individuals and groups develop the skills, cultural competence, insights, and strategies needed to create and sustain inclusive environments.

Crisis Management

Our DEI Crisis Response and Crisis Management offering provides immediate and strategic support to organizations facing diversity, equity, and inclusion-related crises. We help you navigate challenging situations with sensitivity, transparency, and a focus on restoring trust and rebuilding your organization’s reputation.

Facilitated Discussions

Our DEI Facilitated Discussions offering creates a structured and supportive environment for meaningful dialogue on diversity, equity, and inclusion within your organization. These guided discussions provide a platform for employees to share experiences, explore different perspectives, and address sensitive topics in a constructive manner.

Surveys & Audits

Our DEI Surveys and Audits offering provides a thorough assessment of your organization’s current diversity, equity, and inclusion landscape. By collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources, we identify strengths, uncover gaps, and offer actionable insights to help you create a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

Vision, Mission, & ERG Creation

Our Vision and Mission Creation offering helps organizations craft clear and compelling DEI vision and mission statements that reflect their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. These foundational statements serve as guiding principles, aligning your organization’s DEI efforts with its overall values and long-term goals.

Schedule a 30 minute Discovery Call